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 About Glaiel Games

Welcome to Glaiel Games! My name is Tyler Glaiel, and I am the programmer, designer, and web programmer of this website. I make these games in my spare time using Adobe Flash.

 My Games: 

One of my games takes anywhere from 2 days to 8 months to make. You can expect a new game to appear on this site at least once a month.

Sometimes, I abandon a game in development for one reason or another. Most of the time, I will eventually come back to it, but if I don't, it means the game was a game way above my head or it just turned out to be not fun for one reason or another. If you see a game announced, and it doesn't come out within the next month, assume it delayed if I don't cancel it.

 Have Fun! 

Have fun playing my games!.
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