Blockslide 2 Level Editor Beta v.0.10

STEP 1: Read the desciption of the blocks.

STEP 2: Play around with the engine, make levels, play them, untill you get the feel of the game.

STEP 3: Make an awesome level.

STEP 4: Beat it.

STEP 5: Checl "share" to get the code

STEP 6: E-mail me the code, TITLE OF THE LEVEL, your website, and anything else you want in the description to: glaielgamesmail[@]


When in the editor, press space to bring up the list of items you can use. It is missing some things, such as the button gate. Why? You need to place a button or a button block first, then you can place the gate. You MUST place the gate before you can choose another item or test the level. You must place a starting point and an ending point to test the level.

Graphics are not final, stuff like the lava tile and diamond and the CHARACTER are things i whipped up while waiting for the real graphics. Many of the vector graphics are placeholders until twinsen/orb produce the real ones. The GUI is not final either,


Here's an example code. It's VERY easy, but try it anyway to test entering codes.

Version History:

v.0.1- Initial release

v.0.2- Bug Fixes, mostly with hide block button

v.0.3- Graphical updates, small bug fix

v.0.4- Small grpahical changes, bug fix involving arrow blocks on ice

v.0.5- "Enter Code" now ignores spaces and line breaks

v.0.6- Big glitch fix (thanks arby!). Blocks starting out on buttons, fire+deathblock combination animation glitch fixed, rapid moving death block glitch fixed. Death blocks now work with sunken death blocks too

v.0.7- Glitch fixed, graphical update, first sounds added

v.0.8- Glitch fixed, it was minor but MAN it was a pain the you know where to fix. More sounds added too

v.0.9- Fire blocks now do not dry up lava, but still melt in it

v.0.10- Lots of new graphics and sounds, a glitch or 2 fixed